Das heißt, Sie sind insgesamt 4 Jahre durch den herausragenden EVGA Service abgesichert.

- Direkter Kontakt zu EVGA auch als Endkunde
- Telefon und Mail Support
- RMA Service-Center in Deutschland
- Wärmeleitpaste wechseln, oder einen anderen Kühler installieren und die volle Garantie behalten.
- Übertakten mit EVGA Precision X1 und die Garantie bleibt im vollen Umfang erhalten
- Garantie erweitern, Vorabaustausch bei einer RMA möglich und das Step-Up Programm
Ray Tracing
Die EVGA GeForce® RTX Gaming Grafikkarten wurden mit der besten Kühlung, weitreichender Overclocking Möglichkeiten und einem anpassbarem Design dank RGB ausgestattet.Erleben Sie jedes Spiel mit superschneller Ray-Tracing Effekten, physikalisch genauen Schatten, Reflexionen und Lichteffekten. Ausgestattet mit Tensor Kernen für eine superstarke KI-Verarbeitung. Fortschrittlicher Speicher, Leistungssteigerungen und Verarbeitungstechnologien machen diese GPUs zur perfekten Karte für Hardcore-Gamer.

Kaufen Sie Ihre EVGA GeForce RTX Grafikkarte bei einem der unten genannten Partner und registrieren Sie Ihre Karte hier, um die vollen 4 Jahre EVGA Service zu erhalten.
- Amazon.co.uk
- Amazon.de
- Amazon.es
- Amazon.fr
- Amazon.it
- Aria.co.uk
- Alza.cz
- Caseking.de
- CCLonline.com (UK)
- Computeruniverse.net (Germany)
- CZC.cz
- cyberport.de
- eBuyer.com (UK)
- Jacob.de
- morele.pl
- notebooksbilliger.de
- Novatech.co.uk
- PCComponentes.com
- rueducommerce.fr
- SCAN.co.uk
- X-kom.pl
Wie erhalten ich das zusätzliche Jahr Garantie?
Garantieverlängerungen sind auf eine (1) pro Person und qualifiziertem Produkt begrenzt. So beantragen Sie Ihre Garantieverlängerung:
- Kaufen Sie ein qualifiziertes Produkt bei einem der genannten Partner.
- Melden Sie sich mit Ihrem EVGA.com Account an. Wenn Sie derzeit kein EVGA Konto haben, müssen Sie zunächst ein kostenloses unter https://secure.evga.com/EU/login.asp erstellen.
- Registrieren Sie Ihr qualifiziertes Produkt unter https://eu.evga.com/support/register.asp
- Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den richtigen qualifizierenden Kaufort (Partner) auswählen
- Laden Sie nach der Registrierung Ihres berechtigten Produkts eine Kopie Ihres Kaufnachweises/Rechnung unter https://secure.evga.com/Support/upload/eu/ChoosePartNumber.aspx hoch.
- Sobald das berechtigte Produkt registriert ist, sind Sie fertig!
- Sie können Ihre Registrierungsinformationen und die Garantiedauer Ihres Produkts unter https://eu.evga.com/community/myProducts.asp überprüfen und über Details, die verbleibende Garantie für Ihr Produkt anzeigen lassen.
RTX™ ON & Service On Terms and Conditions
Duration of Promotion
This EVGA RTX™ ON & Service On Promotion ("Service On Promotion") allows purchasers of a Qualifying Product, as defined below, from a Qualifying Place of Purchase, as defined below, to receive a one year (1 year) extension to the warranty of their Qualifying Product. The EVGA Service On Promotion begins on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 12:00:00 AM CEST and ends on Tuesday, December 31, 2019 11:59:59 PM CET.
- Qualifying Products, as defined below, must be purchased on or after Wednesday, October 23, 2019, but before the promotion expires on December 31, 2019.
Qualifying Products:
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX™ 2080 Ti Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX 2080 SUPER™ Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX™ 2080 Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX 2070 SUPER™ Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX™ 2070 Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX 2060 SUPER™ Graphics Cards
- All EVGA GeForce® RTX™ 2060 Graphics Cards
Exclusions: All EVGA GeForce® RTX™ graphics cards with an –RX, -BX, or other warranty suffix less than 3 years.
Qualifying Places of Purchase
- Amazon.co.uk
- Amazon.de
- Amazon.es
- Amazon.fr
- Amazon.it
- Aria.co.uk
- Alza.cz
- Caseking.de
- CCLonline.com (UK)
- Computeruniverse.net (Germany)
- CZC.cz
- cyberport.de
- eBuyer.com (UK)
- Jacob.de
- morele.pl
- notebooksbilliger.de
- Novatech.co.uk
- PCComponentes.com
- rueducommerce.fr
- SCAN.co.uk
- X-kom.pl
Note – Only Amazon Europe stores are eligible for this promotion. Amazon stores located in other regions are expressly excluded from this promotion.
Exclusions: Amazon Marketplace purchases are expressly excluded. Secondhand purchases and auction purchases (e.g. Ebay and Craigslist) are expressly excluded.
Participant Eligibility:
The EVGA Service On Promotion is open to original purchasers of a Qualifying Product in the Europe region, as all Qualifying Places of Purchase are located in the Europe Region, under the following terms and conditions.
Additional Terms:
- Participants must be registered and have a valid account at EVGA.com.
- Participant must be the original owner of the Qualifying Product.
- Qualifying Products must be registered on EVGA.com to receive the extra one year (1 year) warranty extension.
- Participants are eligible to receive one warranty extension per Qualifying Product purchased within the promotion period. Warranty extensions can only be applied to the Qualifying Product registered and may not be combined or added to another product registered by participant.
- The one-year (1 year) warranty extension is in addition to any EVGA Extended Warranty purchased by participant for the same product.
All international, federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations apply. VOID where prohibited.
How to Claim Your Warranty Extension:
Warranty extensions are limited to one (1) per person, per Qualifying Product. To claim your warranty extension:
- Purchase any Qualifying Product from a Qualifying Place of Purchase.
- Log in to your EVGA.com account. If you do not currently have an EVGA account, you will need to first create a free account at https://secure.evga.com/EU/login.asp.
- Register your Qualifying Product at https://eu.evga.com/support/register.asp
- Make sure to select the correct Qualifying Place of Purchase when registering the product.
- After registering your Qualifying Product, upload a copy of your proof-of-purchase at https://secure.evga.com/Support/upload/eu/ChoosePartNumber.aspx
- Once the Qualifying Product is registered, you’re done!
- You can verify your registration information and the warranty length of your product at https://eu.evga.com/community/myProducts.asp, and click on the “View Details” button to see the remaining warranty on your product.
General Conditions and Limitations:
The EVGA Service On Promotion will provide eligible participants with a one-year (1 year) warranty extension to Qualifying Products purchased at a Qualifying Place of Purchase. One (1) warranty extension per person, per registered Qualifying Product.
This warranty extension only applies to new Qualifying Product purchases from a Qualifying Place of Purchase during the promotion period, and may not be retroactively applied to purchases prior to the beginning of the Service On Promotion period or after the expiration of the Service On Promotion period.
Availability of Qualifying Products will depend upon the actual availability EVGA GeForce® RTX™ graphics cards at the Qualifying Places of Purchase. EVGA makes no guarantee that any particular EVGA GeForce® RTX™ graphics card will be available or in stock at a particular Qualifying Place of Purchase during the Service On Promotion period or prior to the Service On Promotion’s expiration date. The Service On Promotion’s duration will not be extended, nor “rain-checks” given, if a particular EVGA GeForce® RTX™ graphics card is unavailable at a Qualifying Place of Purchase while the Service On Promotion is ongoing.
Verification that a Qualifying Product was purchased from a Qualifying Place of Purchase can be done through the unique serial number on each Qualifying Product purchased throughout the duration of the Service On Promotion. Any disputes by a participant with EVGA over the Place of Purchase of a Qualifying Product will be controlled by EVGA’s unique serial number and presumed accurate by any and all parties for the purpose of determining the Qualifying Product’s Place of Purchase. Participant understands and agrees, that EVGA reserves the right to and will make the final determination regarding all matters of the Service On Promotion.
There are no substitutions or transfers of warranty extensions allowed, no cash alternative offered, except at the sole discretion of EVGA. By participating in this Service On Promotion, participants agree to be bound by these Official Terms and Conditions and the decisions of EVGA. EVGA reserves the right to terminate, suspend or modify the EVGA Service On Promotion if, at its sole discretion, it determines that for any reason the EVGA Service On Promotion is not capable of running as originally planned, fraud, technical failures, printing, mailing or distribution errors, or any other unanticipated causes or occurrences have compromised the integrity of the EVGA Service On Promotion.
Severability: If any of the provisions of these Official Rules are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable or invalid, then such provisions will be ineffective to the extent of the court's ruling. All remaining portions of the Official Rules shall remain in full force and effect.
Void wherever restricted or prohibited by law.