Gewinne die Chance, dein EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil gegen ein neues EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil einzutauschen.
In dieser Ausgabe der Rewind Rewards von EVGA lassen wir die Erinnerung an das EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil aufleben – seinerzeit das ultimative Netzteil für Enthusiasten, das am Mittwoch, dem 22. August 2012 auf den Markt kam.
EVGA blickt zurück auf das NEX1500 Classified – ein Netzteil der nächsten Generation. Mit hochmodernen Leistungsüberwachungsfunktionen, herausragender Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung sowie seiner ansprechenden Optik war das NEX1500-Netzteil alles andere als alltäglich.
Es lieferte 1500 W Dauerleistung mit bis zu 90 % Effizienz und außergewöhnlich sauberer Ausgangsspannung. Was bedeutet das? Das NEX1500 Classified war auf maximale Stabilität, Zuverlässigkeit, Übertaktbarkeit und beispiellose Kontrolle ausgelegt. Es unterstützte hochwertigste Dual-CPU- und Quad-GPU-Systeme. Im OC-Modus, der die Ausgangsleistung auf 1650 W erhöhte, ließ sich noch mehr aus dem Netzteil herausholen, weshalb das NEX1500 zu einem der am höchsten bewerteten ATX-Netzteile der Welt wurde.
Du konntest diese Leistung mithilfe der exklusiven SuperNOVA-Software nutzen, mit der sich die Stromversorgungsspannung, der Stromverbrauch und die Effizienz überwachen ließ. Du konntest außerdem die + 12V-Schiene des Netzteils so einstellen, dass sein Übertaktungspotential voll ausgeschöpft wurde, die Lüftergeschwindigkeit anpassen, damit das System möglichst leise lief, und sogar zwischen einer oder mehreren Stromschienen wechseln! All das hattest du in der Hand.
Zusammen mit den einzigartigen, einzeln ummantelten Kabeln und der beispiellosen Kontrolle durch die exklusive SuperNOVA-Software hattest du ein Netzteil, das nicht zu übertreffen war.

EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil
Mit der extrem zuverlässigen G1-Serie, die kürzlich auf die G1+-Serie aktualisiert wurde, unterstreicht EVGA seine führende Stellung auf dem Netzteilmarkt. Die hochklassigen SuperNOVA G2- und G3-Modelle sind komplett modular aufgebaut und verfügen über einen ECO-Modus für nahezu geräuschlosen Betrieb. Mit neuen und attraktiven Produkten und kompromisslosen Innovationen setzt EVGA in der Branche Impulse.
EVGA stellt vor: das SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil. Dieses Netzteil setzt neue Maßstäbe mit 1600 W Dauerleistung und 94 % (115 VAC) / 96 % (220 VAC ~ 240 VAC) Effizienz. Das komplett modulare Design sorgt für Übersicht im Gehäuse und die 100 % japanischen Kondensatoren zeugen davon, dass nur die besten Komponenten verbaut wurden. Was bedeutet das? Höchste Stabilität, Zuverlässigkeit, Übertaktbarkeit und beispiellose Kontrolle. Das EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2 ist das ultimative Werkzeug, um Systemengpässe zu beseitigen und eine unübertroffene Leistung zu erzielen.
Auf jeden Fall solltest du dir die gesamte Palette der von EVGA angebotenen Netzteile ansehen. Vom Budget-Build bis hin zur High-End-Workstation oder benutzerdefinierten Mod: EVGA hat das Netzteil, das deinen Anforderungen entspricht.

Contest Rules:
Is your EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil still running strong? Have you retired this beast and placed it into storage somewhere? Well you may just be in luck if you still have your EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil, EVGA wants it and will give 3 individuals a new EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil in return! Just be one of the first 3 registered owners of an EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil to submit your information to participate in the exchange.
Qualifying Part Numbers:
- 120-PG-1500-RX
- 120-PG-1500-SR
- 120-PG-1500-VR
- 120-PG-1500-XR
- 120-PG-1500-BR
How To Submit Your Entry:
- Register your EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil
- Submit your serial number below (serial number located on product)
- If you are one of the first 3 eligible registered owners to submit your entry, then EVGA will contact you via email.
- Winners will be asked to send your EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil to the EVGA HQ
- Once verified and received, EVGA will send you a new EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil
First 3 qualifying owners will be contacted with further information. Please do not send in your product if you are not a winner or if you were not given directions by EVGA to do so.
Please be sure your EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil has the serial number attached to it, units without a serial number sticker are not eligible.
Potential Winners will be contacted on Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Official Terms and Conditions
Duration of Promotion:
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway will allow Three (3) winners to exchange an EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil for an EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil. EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway begins on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 10:00:00 AM PST and ends on Monday, June 18, 2018 at 11:59:59 PM PST.
EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway is open to eligible customers and participants in the Americas (North and South America), EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa), and APAC (Asia and Pacific) regions. Three Grand Prizes will be available globally, with 3 prizes available for owners of qualified EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil.
Employees and directors of the Sponsor, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, parent companies, distributors, retail dealers, advertising and promotional agencies, and the immediate family members or those living in the same household with such individuals, are not eligible to participate in this Promotion. All international, federal, state, provincial, and local laws and regulations apply. VOID where prohibited.
Ways to Enter:
Entries are limited to one entry per person, per household for the duration of the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway. Sponsor is not responsible for Internet submissions not received due to technical/transmission problems beyond its reasonable control, including failure to recognize a valid serial number. Moreover, Sponsor is not responsible for mail that is lost, damaged, illegible, late, misdirected, or sent with insufficient postage. To enter:
- EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil owners must register their qualifying Product at https://de.evga.com/register/. Next, the customer must visit the Event webpage at https://de.evga.com/articles/01226/rewind-reward-supernova-nex1500/ to sign up for EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway. After signing-in to EVGA.com, customers must accept these Terms and Conditions and submit an entry, which will register the natural account holder for EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway. One entry per customer, per household.
- EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil:
- 120-PG-1500-RX
- 120-PG-1500-SR
- 120-PG-1500-VR
- 120-PG-1500-XR
- 120-PG-1500-BR
- EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil:
Three (3) Grand Prizes are available for EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil owners to exchange one qualifying product for an EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil.
Total Approximate Retail Value of each Grand Prize is $529.99.
Winner Selection:
The Grand Prize Winners will be selected in the order by which the submissions are received; in other words, the first three (3) owners of a qualifying EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified-Netzteil will become Grand Prize Winners. Grand Prize Winners must still possess the qualifying product registered to the account and be capable of shipping the product to Sponsor within One (1) week of notification of Grand Prize winner status. Sponsor will contact all Winners on Wednesday, June 20, 2018 to arrange shipping details to Sponsor. Upon receipt of the qualifying product, and verification that the product is registered to the Winner, EVGA will contact the Winner to confirm contact information and ship One (1) EVGA SuperNOVA 1600 T2-Netzteil to the Winner within a reasonable time.
Prize Conditions:
The potential Grand Prize Winners (pending confirmation of eligibility and ability to satisfy all requirements of the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway) will be notified by email and/or phone. A potential Winner must respond by Friday, June 22, 2018 and provide verification of possession of the qualifying product. Upon verification of possession, EVGA will provide a shipping label to the Winner and the Winner must ship the winning qualifying product within One (1) week of notification of Grand Prize Winner status. If a Grand Prize Winner no longer possesses the qualifying product, cannot ship the product, or does not wish to ship the product within the stated time, then the Prize will be forfeit.
All Grand Prize Winners must have a valid and current account at EVGA.com within 5 days of accepting the Grand Prize.
If a potential Grand Prize winner cannot be contacted or does not exchange the qualifying product by Friday, June 22, 2018, or the winner fails to sign and return any requested documents within the required time period, then the potential winner will forfeit the prize and the prize will be awarded to the next eligible Grand Prize Winner. Any or all of the above Eligibility requirements may be temporarily suspended, at Sponsor's sole discretion, to provide a reasonable amount of time for a potential Winner to satisfy all aspects of the eligibility requirements; Sponsor is under no obligation, however, to temporarily suspend the Eligibility requirements for a potential Winner nor allow the suspension to last indefinitely if the potential Winner has not satisfied the Eligibility requirements. In the event that a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, Sponsor will award said prize to the next eligible Grand Prize Winner.
General Conditions and Limitations:
All entries become the property of the Sponsor. Any attempt by an entrant to obtain more than one online entry by using multiple/different email addresses, identities, registrations and/or logins, or any other, similar methods will void that Participant's entries altogether, and that Participant may be disqualified. Use of any automated/robotic method of entry is prohibited and will result in disqualification. In the event of a dispute regarding entries received from multiple users having the same email account, the “authorized subscriber” of the email account used to enter will be deemed to be the entrant. The “authorized subscriber” is the natural person who is assigned an email address by an ISP or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses. All federal, state, local, and provincial taxes and fees on prize offered, if applicable, are the sole responsibility of the winner. There are no substitutions of prize allowed, no cash alternative offered, and no transfer of prize is permitted, except to a surviving spouse, or at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. Acceptance of the prize constitutes permission from the Winner to the Sponsor and its agencies to use such winner's name and/or likeness for advertising and publicity purposes, without further compensation, except where prohibited by law. By entering, each Promotion entrant and Winner agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Sponsor and each of its affiliates, parent companies, directors, officers, employees and agents against any and all liability, damages or causes of action (however named or described), with respect to or arising out of entrant's participation in this Promotion, and/or the receipt, use, or misuse of the prize awarded herein. By participating in this Promotion, entrants/Winners agree to be bound by these Official Terms and Conditions and the decisions of Sponsor. Entrants further agree that by participating, they may from time to time receive promotional offerings from the Sponsor. All disputes concerning this promotion will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws, rule and regulations of the State of California. Sponsor reserves the right to terminate, suspend or modify the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway if, at its sole discretion, it determines that for any reason the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway is not capable of running as originally planned, fraud, technical failures, printing, mailing or distribution errors, or any other unanticipated causes or occurrences have compromised the fairness or integrity of the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway. In the event the EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway is terminated prior to the stated end date, Sponsor reserves the right to award the Grand Prize among all eligible entries received as of the date of termination, based on the chronological order of valid submissions. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, Sponsor DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS REGARDING THE PRIZE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR OR GENERAL USE OR PURPOSE.
Winner's List:
Winners will be announced on Sponsor's website EVGA.com on or about Wednesday, June 20, 2018. For written confirmation of the name and city/(state, province, country) of the Grand Prize Winners, send a self-addressed, stamped, #10 envelope to: EVGA SuperNOVA NEX1500 Classified PSU Rewind Reward Giveaway Winner Confirmation Request, 408 Saturn St., Brea, CA 92821 USA.
EVGA Corp., 408 Saturn St., Brea, CA 92821 USA.
Void wherever restricted or prohibited by law.